Together in Birth - our antenatal childbirth preparation brings you and your partner on a transformative journey of childbirth education guided by experienced Birth Doulas, Childbirth Educators, Movement Educators, and Prenatal Yoga Teachers. Our innovative childbirth education program blends the richness of traditional in-person classes with the accessibility and flexibility of self-paced e-learning and livestream engagement, creating an intimate and supportive learning experience that meets you where you are. to help you navigate the journey of pregnancy, labour and childbirth with the knowledge and tools you’ll likely need.
Guided by our three core pillars of phsyiology, movement and psyche, our self-paced e-learning modules addresses the diverse needs and preferences of expectant families, whether you are a first time or subsequent time parent. Parents will be able to track their progress through the interactive platform, and interact with fellow course mates on our community boards.
Each module will consist of lectures, illustrative slides, instructional videos as well as QnAs to help you navigate this journey with ease. We also have supplemental handouts on evidence-based birth practices, such as on inductions, gestational diabetes, labouring and birthing positions, to name a few. With this flexibility to learn at your own pace and convenience, you’d be able to engage with the material whenever and wherever it suits you, ensuring accessibility for individuals with busy schedules and geographical constraints. More details are provided below.
Anchoring this course is Singapore’s only in-person Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class taught by Spinning Babies®Certified Parent Educator, Dewi Chen. Spinning Babies® is an internationally respected approach founded by Gail Tully. Learn the partner-assisted movements, positions and exercises to help bring comfort in pregnancy, unhinder labour and more ease in birth. This will be followed by a in-person class on Comfort Measures 101 where you’ll learn evidence-based practices to help find ease in labour and pushing. The class duration is 3.5 hours in total, and you are advised to complete e-modules 1 & 2 before attending the next scheduled in-person session.
To support your learning throughout the programme, there will be two live-engagement via Zoom online. These live sessions are for us to check-in with participants, clarify any queries about the modules and in-person classes. In these calls we will also have with interactive role-playing exercises, and group discussions that encourage advocacy, collaboration, and foster mutual support among participants.
Can’t join our calls?
Fret not! Everything will be recorded and uploaded onto your e-learning platform. Through these sessions, we hope to cultivate a supportive community of peers that we hope will continue on even after birth!
Course Dates:
Enroll anytime and be sure to catch the in-person session (see dates below) in time before birth!
Upcoming dates for next in-person workshop:
9 Nov 2024, Saturday (1 spot left!)
18 Jan 2024, Saturday
*please note that you only need to attend one in-person workshop
1pm - 4:30pm
$700 per couple
Who is this for?
For expectant parents in their 2nd trimester onwards. It’s never too early or late to start! Highly recommended for first time parents, or parents trying for a VBAC.
About your trainers
Dewi Chen
Dewi (she/her) is a certified Birth & Postpartum doula (DONA International), Spinning Babies®️ Certified Parent Educator, Body Ready Method ®️ Active Certified Pro , VBAC certified doula (VBAC Link®️), Evidence Based Birth®️ Instructor as well as a Prenatal/Postnatal Yoga and Womb Yoga teacher. She is obsessed anything related to birth anatomy and geeks out at birth videos to unwind. She draws upon her varied trainings as a movement educator, manual therapist and doula to support birthing couples from #wombtoworld. She believes that the world can be made better if we do more to empower and support birthing families.
A Special Note
We believe that there should be no obstacle in experiencing YOUR birth YOUR WAY. If you are single and an expectant parent, please let us know and we will be happy to support your experience in this workshop. Do email us to connect.
If you are from a lower income household, we’d be happy to arrange for discounted pricing and deferred payment for you. Do email us to arrange.
Our email address is